Thursday, January 19, 2012

Books...Biltong...and Beauty!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Is it a little late to say that? Yes? I thought so too! *sigh*

I've started out my year the way I wanted to....with a list! I won't call them resolutions (because I never keep those), but rather plans....or goals if you may! One of my goals is to read! I'm not much of a reader - save for the random soccer magazine, I don't all! So the plan is to read...actual least one every month! First book is Robin Sharma's 'The monk who sold his ferrari', as recommended by a friend. I have a whole list of other recommendations - but one milestone at a time hmmmmkay!

Great year to be alive......and I'm looking forward to a year of more biltong (because it makes my heart dance)....more beauty (spiritually, emotionally and yes, physically), and lots and lots of books! Let's have a great 2012....I know I will! *blows pink kisses*