Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh that wretched disease again!

I love Fridays! This day makes me thoroughly happy! So happy that I suspect its a disease.....a disease of happy....with a disease-like name such as Fridayitism! I also love Sunday...the only problem with my relationship with Sunday is that it is followed by that mean little blue devil with a single horn sticking out of its forehead called Monday....I hate Monday, he takes away my Joy! But Friday, she is precious! On Fridays, I try to avoid all the serious, heavy and deep type of conversations. If I see a group of people standing and chatting, I'll stop by and pretend to tie my shoelaces (or whatever other inane activity) while casually stretching my neck to listen in and try to figure out what they are talking about....but if I hear anything political, if it's about the sad state of the world, or even how mean the cashier at the shop was, then I stand up and keep walking!

Because on Fridays, we only do happy. We do light-hearted. We do frilly. We do pink. We do giggles. We do hearts. We do strawberry-scented. We do baby-soft. We do cherry-flavoured. We do crisp. We do tulips. We do pretty. We do fluffy. We do sunshine. We do summer rain........We only do happy!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Eat. Pray. Love......and weddings???

Eat. Pray. Love. I know, I know....I have written about this before here! A whole blah blah blah about how I fell in love with the movie. But this isnt about that!

I am happy to report hat I finally got around to buying the book! A few pages in, and I'm hooked! I've never nodded so many times while reading, let alone going back and reading the same words over and over because of how much I relate. Let me put it this way......the book is just perfect! I'm yet to continue on and read, but so far, so excellent!

On to other news.....

Its the weekend, and I'm going to a wedding. Yes, a wedding. Did you notice the lack of exclamation marks? Yes, that's how excited I am. I'm not a big fan of know, people are just making their problems ours. Okay, that's a joke...a really bad one.
Seriously though, I would much rather sit in front of the tv and watch some good footy, or continue with my book....but alas, I will watch a blushing bride and her man tie the knot. There is the Soweto derby this Saturday.....I will be at a wedding! To make this all a little more interesting (read that as depressing).....I'm going as a plus 1! I don't know the people getting married, a friend invited me. So hip hip hooray, I'm headed to a wedding. <----- insert sarcasm here.

I guess I need to handle this like any reasonabe person would..........*raises glass of something potent* CHEERS TO THE FREAKEN WEEKEND!!!!!