Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I finally get I know why it's called August......its because it's a windy month! in, wind...geddit? Don't ask about the 'Au' part - I don't have an explanation for it. Unless of course it's French for something.....okay, forget it! Either way, I find August kind of's windy, it drags, and just all round lousy! Also, it's pre-September.....and September rocks! So it's just a useless stumbling block before we get to spring and my birthday month so full of awesomeness! The only good thing about this wretched month however is that it's Women's Month - a month to celebrate the strength of a Woman! I don't think I need to explain much.....a world without the strong, confident, bold, and beautiful woman would be just bleak!

So here's to all my are EVERYTHING and ALL!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My type of L.O.V.E!

I'm a weakling for well written stuff....books, poetry, songs, even corny greeting cards....I'm a complete sucker for such! If it catches me from the first two sentences, then I'm hooked! When buying books, I have to read a little while in the shop before I head to the cashier - even if it's a well recommended book. The other day (by this I mean I cannot remember when) I came across this beautiful piece of spoken word on twitter.....well, it wasn't spoken on twitter, but after I interacted with my old friend google, I found it in the form of spoken word! A few more search pages down the line, and I got the full transcript.

It's a piece by Brent Rice called 'A Crucifixion Type Love'. What he does is describe love in it's purest form, from which it originally stems. It stole my heart completely.

A Crucifixion Type Love – Brent Rice

My biggest prayer is to love her right
I want to…
Love her like Christ loved the church
Love her like her Father in Heaven Loves Her
Love her like the Holy Spirit loves her soul
And love her like she was created to be loved
But sometimes….
Sometimes my flesh tries to intimidate me with that kind of love
It’s like my spirit cries out from the depths of this corrupted prison
With the voice of Abel screaming that I have not loved her to the extent Christ loves the church
I want a crucifixion type love