Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Cocktail

If you are hoping to see a recipe including the likes of gin, vodka, rum with a splash of cranberry juice and a touch of mint...then you are looking in the wrong place (though I must admit, that sounds goooood)! Or if you expecting a long story relating how I woke up in a bathtub one morning, with videos of me table-dancing splashed all over youtube all thanks to the above-mentioned drink, yet again you will be disappointed (okay, lemme check youtube...just in case). The cocktail is quite!

These past few days I've been doing something that I found to be the most fun execise I have done in ages....writing a list! I know, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry...but give me a moment here! I wrote a list detailing the things I love - the things I hate - and the things I want. It turned out to be harder than I thought. My first few entries were quite simple.....

I love:
• Tulips
• Lindt chocolate (guilty pleasure)
• Soccer
• Nail-polish
• My blackberry
• Shoes - Christian Louboutins to be precise (a girl can dream)
I hate:
• Spiders
• The ugly brown frog I came across today
• Bad hair-dos
• Spiders
• Spiders
• Spiders

I want:
• Laughter - everyday of my life
• Money - to buy many as I want!!
• A rich husband - it will make buying my Louboutins soooo much easier! Lol!
• Happiness and Joy - there is a differnce, hmmmkay!
• To graduate again! 2 seconds worth a lifetime!

These are just bits of each section of my list. But then the more I wrote, and the more honest I became with myself...the more difficult it proved to be. It's scary to think how you can be so caught up in the happenings of your daily life that you tend to forget the most important thing...yourself. I for one am guilty of that. I am an ever-changing constant as the petrol prices. My tastes and preferences, my opinions and views, my entire outlook on life changes quite much so that I don’t even notice it! Probably because I don’t spend enough time with me.

At the start of the year I intended on making resolutions....I don’t normally do it because I don’t keep them anyway! I never did get around to making those this should be it! Getting to know this complex, erratic, sometimes finicky, constantly giggling, tend to be fickle, silly, passionate being...with beauty both inside and out (yeah...I said it)!

Cocktail: n. A mixture of the good, the bad, and the ugly that make up a being. - The Happiness Factory Dictionary.

Now back to compiling my list...I’m still trying to decide which section olives fall under – one of those ‘acquired tastes’ I’m not too sure I’ve acquired just yet!
***Live , Love.....Laugh!***

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