Thursday, September 15, 2011


Accept the things I cannot change! That right there!! And just a day before my birthday, I remember the one thing I can not change -----> 24!! I sat down and googled 24...trying to find all the good things associated with the number. Naturally, the first thing that popped up is that television series - for once, google was not my friend! So I took it a step wikipedia! Yeah, that's how I roll! As i scrolled through all their references of the number 24, I got more and more disheartened! Not one cool fact or inspirational story surrounding the number 24! Bleak! So I decided to let it go...and just be!

This year has whizzed by so quickly, it's amazing! Not too long ago we were staggering home from new years celebrations, and we are now already planning the next! I have been blessed with so much, the world just keeps looking more beautiful everyday! So today, a day before my birthday, I'm gonna take a moment to be grateful for all my blessings; for all the beautiful souls in my life - some I've met, some I 'know' but haven't met and yet I can proudly call friends (the power of social networking), and for the most amazing family a girl could ever ask for!!

I look to 24 as another challenge....there's still so much to achieve before this year comes to a close, and even more before I'm sitting here, same time next year discussing 25! Okay, 25 neh....let's not get excited, I'm still coming to terms with 24! For the entire week I have been doing a lot of thinking.....questioning some of the things I do, wondering of the difference, if any, that I make in others' lives, and taking decisions that will impact my future. This brought back a chance meeting a while back with a stranger that made me carefully assess the person I am now.
A few months back I was out with friends, indulging in some serious post-match celebrations (I wont start babbling about soccer, I promise)....Orlando Pirates had successfully made their mark in PSL history by lifting their third cup of the season - the first team to achieve that feat since the inception of the PSL. Now I was out to party - that was worth a celebration - and judging by the number of people at the spot where we were, it seemed many had the same idea! While waiting for our drinks from the barman, I was chatting to a male person who was also waiting for his drinks, when another guy just out of the royal blue turns to me and says 'I know you'. Taken aback, and being my silly self, I told him stop lying, asking him where he knew me from. He insisted he knew me, and told me where I used to study. Now this guy says to me 'you gave me R2.00....I know you, you gave me R2.00'. I was stunned....I couldn't even remember him from a bar of soap!! Apparently, while catching public transport to varsity, I gave him R2.00 because he didn't have enough money to get on the taxi. Now this brother was looking good.....well dressed, smelled great, and oh he knew it. "You gave me R2.00 to get to varsity - and I was so broke. Look at me now', he said tugging his jacket. That was the most humbling moment for me....that an act I did without putting much thought (or I was just annoyed and wanted to leave, I dunno) could have made such an impact in someone else's world! Since that day, many years back, he remembered me. That night I understood the true value of R2.00. Now I've been questioning whether to write about this or not - it was, after all, one of those experiences just for and about me - but now, holding a R2.00 coin in hand, I felt I should share it, mainly because of the lesson that I learnt from it: be kind, could be changing a life. For me, that is the value of R2.00 And that is the person I strive to be - one who makes a difference, no matter how small!

24 neh.....24! I guess I must do more than just accept it because I can't change it.....I must embrace it, because with it comes grace, maturity, humility, and coming into my own as a young, independent, ambitious and focused woman. Yeah, 24!
Here's to another 24 years of stiletto shopping, weave-flicking, coffee drinking, loud laughing, and insult hurling during soccer matches! Yeah, here's to 24...and another 24, and another 24 and another freaken 24!!!

Now let the party begin.....after all, its my freaken birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, tomorrow! Hehehehehe!

Monday, September 5, 2011

That good old quarter life crisis!

I dated a motivational speaker once - yep, I did - for about 2 weeks. He was such a bubbly character, so full of life - probably why I got sick of him. He'd wake up in the morning and want to 'go, go, go', 'get out there', 'reach for life', 'grab that dream'.......all I wanted to do was 'go, go, go', 'get in the shower', 'reach for that toothbrush', 'grab that bar of soap'. Its freaken 6 in the morning.....who has that much energy so early?? So two weeks later, I had to end it - he made me feel inadequate.
This got me thinking though about where I am in my life - a young woman in her 20s making decisions that will impact her future. So many questions - where am I going? What do I really want out of life? Where do I see myself in the next 5 years? Am I happy where I am currently? What's the name of that vegetable that looks like a baby cabbage? Okay, scratch that last question! As a young woman coming into her own, I've been faced with many realities about myself, and the world around me - many of which I have been well shielded from because of constantly being surrounded by friends and family. I guess always having friends around meant conforming to a certain way of life - a way of life which isn't necessarily your own. And then came the moment of truth....when each of us had to live our own lives, and just be real with our true selves. So here I am now, looking into a mirror and reflecting on the person I see - I guess, for once, I'm looking at the real me, and in as much as I see a fabulous young woman who is incredibly in love with life, I also see some other bits that I'm not too proud of! It's an intersting journey of self-discovery, and and i'm learning so many things about myself, the world around me, and all that comes with being a young woman. It's called the quarter-life crisis, and im learning so many things as I go and grow:

  1. Fake nails break – and it hurts. But it’s not a physical pain,'s more of an emotional one. The trauma that comes with not having a nail file within quick reach is the worst – I have scratched myself with those jagged edges one too many times.
  2. Winter isn’t excuse enough to not shave. As it turns out, there are many warm days in an African winter, so keeping legs silky smooth is a must – just in case they have to come out and play! (speaking of winter, can I just say hip-hip hooray, happy days are here again....hello spring!!)