Monday, September 5, 2011

That good old quarter life crisis!

I dated a motivational speaker once - yep, I did - for about 2 weeks. He was such a bubbly character, so full of life - probably why I got sick of him. He'd wake up in the morning and want to 'go, go, go', 'get out there', 'reach for life', 'grab that dream'.......all I wanted to do was 'go, go, go', 'get in the shower', 'reach for that toothbrush', 'grab that bar of soap'. Its freaken 6 in the morning.....who has that much energy so early?? So two weeks later, I had to end it - he made me feel inadequate.
This got me thinking though about where I am in my life - a young woman in her 20s making decisions that will impact her future. So many questions - where am I going? What do I really want out of life? Where do I see myself in the next 5 years? Am I happy where I am currently? What's the name of that vegetable that looks like a baby cabbage? Okay, scratch that last question! As a young woman coming into her own, I've been faced with many realities about myself, and the world around me - many of which I have been well shielded from because of constantly being surrounded by friends and family. I guess always having friends around meant conforming to a certain way of life - a way of life which isn't necessarily your own. And then came the moment of truth....when each of us had to live our own lives, and just be real with our true selves. So here I am now, looking into a mirror and reflecting on the person I see - I guess, for once, I'm looking at the real me, and in as much as I see a fabulous young woman who is incredibly in love with life, I also see some other bits that I'm not too proud of! It's an intersting journey of self-discovery, and and i'm learning so many things about myself, the world around me, and all that comes with being a young woman. It's called the quarter-life crisis, and im learning so many things as I go and grow:

  1. Fake nails break – and it hurts. But it’s not a physical pain,'s more of an emotional one. The trauma that comes with not having a nail file within quick reach is the worst – I have scratched myself with those jagged edges one too many times.
  2. Winter isn’t excuse enough to not shave. As it turns out, there are many warm days in an African winter, so keeping legs silky smooth is a must – just in case they have to come out and play! (speaking of winter, can I just say hip-hip hooray, happy days are here again....hello spring!!)
  3. Slap chips taste amazing – especially when smothered in chillies. For those of you who have just landed, slap chips are thick, deep fried potato chips. I salivate at the thought of them! Unfortunately, as divine as they are, they are just as fattening. Having said that, I will indulge in slap sweets, chocolates, and all other ‘fattening’ foods that my heart desires – within reasonable proportions of course! I will not deprive my self in hopes of looking like a stick thin model – nah, no thanks!
  4. Wearing a brand new pair of stilettos for the very first time is the ultimate high! ( that pun?? No?? Okay). Nothing quite like that swish-in-step clickity clack of elegance.
  5. Being happy on the inside makes you look stunning on the outside! And I mean being truly happy that you feel the urge to smile just watching ants walk on by in a straight line (why do they do that anyway?).
  6. Laughter is king!! Especially if you are laughing at yourself! I don't need to explain further - try it and see!
  7. Exercise is good for the soul. There are numerous health benefits that I need not mention; we all should know them by now! A jog, cycling, or just a simple walk is the best boost in the morning – goodbye exhaustion, hello energy and happiness. I know this practically – and can I just say, hip hip hooray, happy days are here again....I can start jogging again in the warm spring mornings!! It’s the best prescription-free feel good drug yet!
  8. Water is fuel for the body. Another one we all should know. 2 litres a day is recommended....unfortunately my relationship with water is on the rocks (hahahaha!! On the rocks...geddit??? Rocks...water?? No?? Oh, okay....guess I won’t cut it as a comedian after all). I’m working on this relationship for the fact that I’ve only had 500mls today...*hangs head in shame*
  9. Something everyone needs to don’t have to be mean just for the sake of being mean. It wins you no prizes. All it does is turn you into a sad soul, and a misery to be around.
  10. Having said that, you don’t always have to be nice. Sounds a little contradictory?? No! Being ‘over-nice’ tends to open the door for others to take advantage. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes....just don’t go around calling yourself selfish; instead say ‘I’m putting myself first’. Hehehehe!
  11. Not everyone will like you – get over it! Be real, be you, live, laugh....just be!
  12. Rumours have a short life span – react to it, feed it.  Ignore it, kill it.
  13. You are your own best spend time with yourself. Do nothing, and just enjoy it!
There are many more of these in my head....but I'll leave it at 13 for now. I quite like the number's a nice, uneven number....yeah, 13! I'll leave it at 13 - as I work through this quarter life crises, and continue learning more, and living even more!

And can I just say....hip hip hooray, happy days are here again!! In case you haven’t noticed, I love love love warm weather! I’ve already packed away my boots and blankets...hello perfectly manicured toes in sandals, and pretty dresses. Yep, I’m happy....the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the tulips are growing – I’m definitely happy!

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