Monday, December 5, 2011

This is Bad!

This is, in fact terrible! I have not been on these streets in a while, and I can purely blame it on.....on....on....errr....*sigh*....I have no excuse! This is bad! *hangs head in shame*

I'm watching 2011 coming to an end, and starting to recollect on all my achievements and failures. Here's failure number 1: I never got around to writing my resolutions for 2011. I wanted to, really I did.....but I somehow never got to it. So now as we step into December, I need to retrace my steps and see if I achieved all I had set out to.

It's been a great year - a lot of ups and downs, but all round good year. And now I can safely look to next year, and hopefully set (and write down) my resolutions for 2012. I will do it this time....I promise! :)

December is silly season - have fun, live it up, laugh it out....but most importantly, stay safe!!

Happy December!!!!

(A little something I came across on the 'interweb'....loved it!!)

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