Thursday, April 26, 2012

No seriously, I have a lot to say.....

Okay, I admit, this title is slightly misleading....but alas, that is what was going through this wobbly bobbly thing called my brain. I genuinely have a lot to say! Seriously! It's like a waterfall of thoughts gushing through my head.....just not as crisp, cool and inviting as the Victoria Falls (which, I might add, is on my 2012 bucket list). ***note to self: remember to draw up a bucket list.

I have these thoughts of all the things I want to blog about, but when I sit to write, I draw a blank. My hand itches to type words at a speed I'm not familiar with, my head is just throwing all these thoughts at me, pushing me to spew them out.....but the words just aren't forming. Fortunately though, it's a long weekend, which gives me ample time to turn these thoughts into words. So, as I vanish into hiding for the weekend (to a place unknown to do things unspoken of), I leave you with this.....



                      Wait, hold on, gimme a second......


*sigh* forget it!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Celebrating What's Right With The World!!!

I had trouble waking up....argh, it was one of those mornings! But I told myself that I NEED to lift myself up and be happy - and man was I annoyingly happy all day - I even got a few complaints after I constantly sang 'la la la' like a pre-schooler all day! But I started to go on a dip - the day got the better of me. Fortunately, one thing remained was my bbm status which read "when last did you celebrate what's right with the world?". So at midnight, just when my world was looking to Thursday, I was celebrating in my mind what is right in MY world:
  • My parents - not a day goes by without me thinking about them - Dear God, I am grateful! Daddy turned the big 60, they will be celebrating their 33rd anniversary, and they managed to raise a pretty decent bunch of kids. Thank you God!
  • I have the most beautiful, precious genius of a niece who will be turning 12 this year. She was upset that she 'failed' maths after getting 70%. I kid you mathematics!  
  • A few Fridays back, I spent the evening with one of my BFFs (for those living in 1996, that's young-and-hip language for Best Friends Forever). For some odd reason we were walking around barefoot, randomly kicking a soccer ball in the still of the night, while talking non-stop about absolutely everything! A simple reminder that I have the best friends in the world: people who understand me, who I can spill my heart to, talk crap with and most importantly laugh with - the people who warm my soul. There are very few of them because I keep a small circle (blame my sociable hermit ways), but I love each of them to pieces.
  •  I have no kids - and I am saying this in my 'I love kids but am not ready for my own yet' voice - no sarcasm, I promise! I am fortunate though to have friends who do have kids! That kinda makes me a serial 'aunt' and god-mommy....and I love it! Children have a way of sneaking into your heart and setting up house.....that goes for mine!
There's something special about growing up, and no, it's not the mystery of this thing called 'wrinkles'. I'm a 1987 baby - and this year I turn 25. That's a quarter of a century, and I feel this needs to be celebrated! Soon I will be 'over the fence' and be considered to be in my 'late 20s'. The true beauty of growth comes with realising and accepting your weaknesses, because from there you know your strengths.

So here's to knowing and growing! And celebrating what's right with the world!

(sidenote: Cape Town sunsets are definitely among what's right with the world)