Thursday, April 26, 2012

No seriously, I have a lot to say.....

Okay, I admit, this title is slightly misleading....but alas, that is what was going through this wobbly bobbly thing called my brain. I genuinely have a lot to say! Seriously! It's like a waterfall of thoughts gushing through my head.....just not as crisp, cool and inviting as the Victoria Falls (which, I might add, is on my 2012 bucket list). ***note to self: remember to draw up a bucket list.

I have these thoughts of all the things I want to blog about, but when I sit to write, I draw a blank. My hand itches to type words at a speed I'm not familiar with, my head is just throwing all these thoughts at me, pushing me to spew them out.....but the words just aren't forming. Fortunately though, it's a long weekend, which gives me ample time to turn these thoughts into words. So, as I vanish into hiding for the weekend (to a place unknown to do things unspoken of), I leave you with this.....



                      Wait, hold on, gimme a second......


*sigh* forget it!


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