Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yes, it's a corny title, but -------> Y.O.L.O!!

Bitter-sweet....that's the only way I can properly explain the past week. From my highest of highs to my lowest of lows....all in a space of less than a week. It's strange....bitter-sweet.....almost like chilli-chocolate (we'll discuss that taste of nonsense some other day)!

I attended my graduation ceremony - and even though I thought it wasn't a big deal, the look on my parents faces as I climbed that podium made that moment and that day oh so glorious! So as I throw confetti on myself, I am now truly grateful for my 2 seconds of fame! (also, Orlando Pirates clinched a treble for the 2nd time in a row....epicness!!!!!!!!!!). This was unfortunately followed 5 days later by the loss of a loved say devastation took centre stage in my world does not even begin to capture or express it. I've never been one to express such feelings out in the open, therefore I will not get into much detail....but I will share little facts - facts we should all already know:

1. Life is short. There's a song by Drake called 'the motto' (I booty hop to it when nobody is watching) - it puts it plain and simple - You Only Live Once!!

1. Life is short. Always leave a lasting impression....preferably a positive one. Even if its awkward booty-hopping to Drake songs.

3.Life is short. Write a bucket list, and start ticking things off!

4. Life is short. Stop concentrating on the fact that I wrote 1. twice and didn't write 2.!

5. Life is short. Laugh out loud! Alone.