Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What's in a song....?

There is always that one song - the one which you sing in your x-factor voice and it damn near brings you to tears.....that song!

I spent last weekend road-tripping to places which I have been wanting to see -  places which were sitting on my imaginary bucket-list (I'll write one next year, I promise). It was a long and exhuasting day, but well worth it still. And in the evening, as I was in the shower (which also doubles as my recording studio) I sang a song which reminded me just how blessed I am. 2012 hasn't been the best for me - I have had many disappointments, lost loved ones, and been kicked by life a couple of times. But still, I'm standing! It hasn't been all bad...I have had many good days.I have seen growth, and coming more into myself. Making decisions, sticking to them. Knowing what I want, and going for it....not what others want for me. Doing what makes me happy.....knowing what makes me happy. Fun, flirtatious, frilly....emotional wreck at times - and just letting that be! Loud laughs, high heels, red wine....all in my 2012!

2013? Its only gonna be better - and guess what, I'm ready!! Cause I'm still standing! No matter what life throws, I'll take it in my stride, lift my head high and keep standing! 2013 is gonna be better....it has to be!

Now allow me to step into my recording studio, and sing the song that warms my heart:

"Something beautiful, something good,
All my confusion He understood,
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife,
But he made something beautiful of my life."

Here's to 2012, soon to be gone, but surely wont be forgotten! And a to kickass 2013....I'm ready!!!

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