Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mortal Man

Two about two weeks, I will be moving and starting a new job in a new city, in a new province - a brand new start, and new beginnings. I am an absolute cocktail of emotions (no, I don't mean the mojito I had earlier....just emotions), but if I got into that, this would end up being a long soppy off-at-a-tangent essay.

So while clearing my rubble and putting things in boxes, I came across something I wrote a few years back after losing a friend to cancer....I guess I seeked solace in words. As short as it was, I let it bleed on paper as below (unedited):

Sometimes we don't truly understand the meaning of goodbye. We seem to think that life is endless - that, when we say goodbye, we'll automatically see that person again. We are mere mortals - it all ends. We make plans for tomorrow, for next week, for next month, for next year, and the years coming until we are 75 years young - and still have plans for after that....but we are mere mortals with no clue - even Albert Einstein, one of the most intelligent men in the world, had no idea that April 18, 1955 would be the day he took his last breath - no idea that he'd leave so many highschool students confused by his physics....hmmm, even I don't know my last moment - mere mortal. Lord, please help me:
  • may I live my life to the fullest, understanding that each day could be my last.
  • may my life make a difference, and have an impact on at least one person out there.
  • may I be grateful for each breath I take, and never have regrets.
  • may I appreciate all the people in my life.
  • may I learn to smile and actually mean it.
  • may I learn to say goodbye and realise that it could be the end....the last one...afterall
    I'm mere mortal man.

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