Friday, June 28, 2013

Its a wrap!!!

First boot camp completed!!! *runs around hysterically*
I did it.....I survived! Although i missed a number of days (not entirely my fault), I still completed it. The last week was particularly tough and demanding....I guess it was a farewell of sorts. I'm gonna be starting the next one in about a weeks time....and I'm actually looking forward to it. I. Kid. You. Not! I, Ms "I'd rather be sleeping", am actually looking forward to exercise! It was, each and everyday, the toughest and most trying hour of my life, but also the most fulfilling. Each time we started to stretch after a session, I'd feel a new burst of energy, and actually wish I would continue. This adrenaline thing is no myth.....I promise! I most of all enjoyed the feeling I would have afterwards - refreshed and renewed - and not as sluggish as I tend to be every other day. And our trainer....well, in a nutshell, she's the best!
Okay, I'm gonna stop blabbing now, but peep this picture....yes, that is where I do my boot camp. And no, it's not filtered! Now go ahead, be jealous of me.... I know you want to. :-)
"To whom much is given, much is required."

The bush is on FIRE!!!

I am very happy to report that I have a social life! Yes, I do...and a few weeks back I did what most people with social lives do - I had fun!

The 7th annual Bushfire Festival was happening in Swaziland and maaaan was it a blast! The event in the picturesque mountainous kingdom raises money for charity projects, and provides a blend of African and international musicians of different genres which is a treat to the music connoisseur's palate.

To say this was one of the highlights of my year would not be doing it justice. I had my favourite people around me, and a night of music with an atmosphere to match. The venue, open-air and filled with hundreds of people from all over the world set the scene for a thriller! The highlight of my night was watching one of my favourite bands, The Soil. I was staring at them, mouth ajar, in retard mode as they belted out smooth tunes to a raving crowd. This is one acapella band whose music I can sing backwards....yes, I am THAT much of a stan! And to top my night, I got to meet them. I will not get into the details....I choose not to embarrass myself, but let's just say I was completely blown away (read that as, I was in retard mode again)! I'm not sure what time we slept...and quite frankly I dont care!
Look, this was not my first Bushfire experience....but I can truly say it was my best. Well, that is, until next year tops it! ;-)