Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 1 done!! *and the crowd applaudes*

As mentioned in my previous posts, I am attending boot camp….and if you haven’t read my previous posts, well, you’re a loser! I joke, I joke, I kid! .........kinda.

Okay,  seriously though….I have put my body through the biggest shock ever by exercising, a relatively unknown concept in my world, and here is what I have learnt after my first week (btw, I’m missing today’s session due to other commitments *cough cough*):
1. I have a useless left arm. I genuinely thought it was going to fall off when doing a certain dumbbell manoeuver (word purposely used to make it seem complicated when it really isn’t).  Speaking of dumbbells…. 2. Thank God I bought 2kg dumbbells instead of 3kg as I had intended. Lightweight as it seems, when your arms are tired and half-dead, these weights end up feeling like you're carrying overfed piglets.
3. Stairs are not your friend! Well, not mine that is. As previously mentioned, I have an all-new respect for them….me and my thighs! Enough said!
4. Still on thighs, I look like a retard each time I need to sit on the toilet seat. It’s a whole process now….I get there, stare at it, and try to come up with a grand plan of how to get there with the least amount of pain. After formulating the strategy (I kid you not, it’s a whole complex strategy), it is then time for execution….needless to say, it never goes as planned, nor does it look as ladylike as imagined. Particularly when I lose all control and plonk down like a child learning to walk. Standing back up is also as bad….but I won’t go into detail – just know that it has something to do with waving my hands around and desperately trying to find something to grab on for balance. It’s bad.......that bad!
5. I am, and have always been horribly unfit – something I am glad I’m working on. Wheezing and gasping for breath while running a short distance is far from acceptable – and thankfully this is something I’m working towards changing.
6. It actually gets better as the days go by. Don’t get me wrong, it is still gruelling; however it is better than the first 2 days.
7. An hour is shorter than you think. Again, for clarity, it is not easy, and while in the middle of a lunge, the hour feels like a month (exaggerative, but true.)  

I am however slightly sad that I am missing a day mainly because I had started getting into the flow of things – my body is getting used to a routine of sorts and the muscle pains were getting better. But hey...I have 'commitments' that I couldn't bail on.

So that, in a nutshell, is week 1. Been tough on me mainly because of how unfit I am, however I’m happy.  

Bring on week 2!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1 day down....39 to go!!

I am alive!!! Those are the good news – I lived through my first day of boot camp. The not-so-good news is that they went ‘easy’ on us because it was the first day….which means the pain in my thighs is just the tip of an iceberg larger than the one that sunk the titanic.  

In all honesty though, I can believe that they went easy on us….day 1 was not as bad as I had expected (considering I had already begun to draft my will). But I must admit, I have a new found respect for stairs – I had to pace myself yesterday (and today) when trying to climb up and down stairs....I repeated a mantra of ‘to whom much is given, much is required’ over and over again like a possessed devotee in deep meditation. My thighs are still on fire, and I have no idea how I will get through today! And it doesn’t help that I am catching a flu….this will be interesting.

However, I am looking forward to day 2…regardless of the aches and pains I feel now! Bring it on!! To whom much is given, much is required!! *begins possessed chanting*  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Call me masochist!

I have just 1 more day of life as I know it…*cues horror movie music*. A little dramatic? Yes? Good…that is exactly how I want my first post in almost 4 months to sound! Now lemme explain a little bit…  

My good friend Koko has somehow managed to con me into signing up for the most torturous 4 weeks of my life…boot camp!! The friends we have nowadays…smh! I will be actively engaging in intense, gruelling exercise for an hour a day, 5 days a week for the next 4 weeks. 1 hour….sounds easy, right? NOT RIGHT!! Considering I do not exercise ever, this will be absolute torture to every fibre of my being – I’m already feeling muscle pains, and I haven’t even started – just the thought of it gives my brain muscles pains. Sidebar: do brains have muscles?
Anyway, in my twisted mind, I foresee big buff women shouting orders like they do at boot camps for delinquents, and us shouting back “sir yes sir!!” (ma’am yes ma’am doesn’t quite have the same effect). Maybe I should slow down on the tv watching, huh?
But on the other hand, for some strange reason, I am quite excited. Pain and torture aside, I’m looking forward to pushing myself out of my comfort zone; I’m looking forward to stretching my pain threshold and see just how much I can take, but most of all I’m looking forward to the end result. There’s a certain feeling, a high, a climax, a peak, that comes with achieving a goal after putting in the hard work – and that is the high I’m chasing.   Did I mention the part about signing up for 2 boot camps?  No? Well yeah…2 boot camps with a 2 week break between both. I will try and update my boot camp experience as much as possible…that is if I live to tell the tale.

Wish me luck!!