Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 1 done!! *and the crowd applaudes*

As mentioned in my previous posts, I am attending boot camp….and if you haven’t read my previous posts, well, you’re a loser! I joke, I joke, I kid! .........kinda.

Okay,  seriously though….I have put my body through the biggest shock ever by exercising, a relatively unknown concept in my world, and here is what I have learnt after my first week (btw, I’m missing today’s session due to other commitments *cough cough*):
1. I have a useless left arm. I genuinely thought it was going to fall off when doing a certain dumbbell manoeuver (word purposely used to make it seem complicated when it really isn’t).  Speaking of dumbbells…. 2. Thank God I bought 2kg dumbbells instead of 3kg as I had intended. Lightweight as it seems, when your arms are tired and half-dead, these weights end up feeling like you're carrying overfed piglets.
3. Stairs are not your friend! Well, not mine that is. As previously mentioned, I have an all-new respect for them….me and my thighs! Enough said!
4. Still on thighs, I look like a retard each time I need to sit on the toilet seat. It’s a whole process now….I get there, stare at it, and try to come up with a grand plan of how to get there with the least amount of pain. After formulating the strategy (I kid you not, it’s a whole complex strategy), it is then time for execution….needless to say, it never goes as planned, nor does it look as ladylike as imagined. Particularly when I lose all control and plonk down like a child learning to walk. Standing back up is also as bad….but I won’t go into detail – just know that it has something to do with waving my hands around and desperately trying to find something to grab on for balance. It’s bad.......that bad!
5. I am, and have always been horribly unfit – something I am glad I’m working on. Wheezing and gasping for breath while running a short distance is far from acceptable – and thankfully this is something I’m working towards changing.
6. It actually gets better as the days go by. Don’t get me wrong, it is still gruelling; however it is better than the first 2 days.
7. An hour is shorter than you think. Again, for clarity, it is not easy, and while in the middle of a lunge, the hour feels like a month (exaggerative, but true.)  

I am however slightly sad that I am missing a day mainly because I had started getting into the flow of things – my body is getting used to a routine of sorts and the muscle pains were getting better. But hey...I have 'commitments' that I couldn't bail on.

So that, in a nutshell, is week 1. Been tough on me mainly because of how unfit I am, however I’m happy.  

Bring on week 2!!

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