Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1 day down....39 to go!!

I am alive!!! Those are the good news – I lived through my first day of boot camp. The not-so-good news is that they went ‘easy’ on us because it was the first day….which means the pain in my thighs is just the tip of an iceberg larger than the one that sunk the titanic.  

In all honesty though, I can believe that they went easy on us….day 1 was not as bad as I had expected (considering I had already begun to draft my will). But I must admit, I have a new found respect for stairs – I had to pace myself yesterday (and today) when trying to climb up and down stairs....I repeated a mantra of ‘to whom much is given, much is required’ over and over again like a possessed devotee in deep meditation. My thighs are still on fire, and I have no idea how I will get through today! And it doesn’t help that I am catching a flu….this will be interesting.

However, I am looking forward to day 2…regardless of the aches and pains I feel now! Bring it on!! To whom much is given, much is required!! *begins possessed chanting*  

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